Friday, March 20, 2015

What you might not know about your own body language. Part Two

Your body language can be a game changer in your success. It can help you make a great impression, and as we learned in our Part One post, in Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk, body language can help you change your attitude. It can even change your body chemistry.  

One of the easiest body parts to use in body language can have the most impact on you and the people you meet. It’s your smile. Smiling is the body language that comes with a free health benefit for you. Smiling actually releases endorphins, which make us feel happier and less stressed. When your level of endorphins increases the stress hormone cortisol decreases. When you feel better you look better and you perform better. This is particularly helpful during a job interview. Smiling more may even make you a more desirable candidate for a promotion. Smiling helps you be more relaxed, convey confidence and can help build healthy relationships. People like to be around happy people, so challenge yourself to smile more often. Smile even if you aren’t feeling it, because your brain doesn’t know the difference between a fake smile and an authentic one, so fake it until you make it. And encourage others to pass it on. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

What you might not know about your own body language. Part One

You probably know that body language is an important part of communication, but did you know it can be up to 70 percent of it? Posture, gestures, eye contact and facial expressions all play a significant part in how we communicate and how other people perceive our communication. For instance, slouching in your chair during a meeting can communicate lack of confidence or interest. Standing with your hands on hips can communicate a stance of power. 

It’s useful to recognize and use body language effectively in communication, but did you know your own body language can actually have a profound impact on you, too? According to Amy Cuddy, social psychologist and Associate Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, your body language can shape who you are. And, in a mere two minutes, you can significantly change your mood and your mind by simply striking a pose. In her TED talk, “Your body language shapes who you are,” Cuddy talks about how to use your own body language to prepare for an interview. Doing so can actually change your physiology and your brain chemistry, and enable you to improve job interview performance. 

If you haven’t seen this TED talk, take 20 minutes to view it. It’s packed with interesting information and her inspiring story.