Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Have You Considered A Mentor?  

A mentor is an experienced adviser and supporter. Wouldn’t it be great to have one for every area in our lives? In your actuarial career, when you are starting out, a mentor can help you to understand and navigate the structure of an organization, and recognize how to advance your career within that system. 
Your mentor’s experience can provide you with a perspective you simply aren’t seasoned enough to see. The benefit is that in a new position, you can get an insider’s view on how to get things done and be noticed in the process. 
Mentors can help you gain self-awareness, by asking tough questions that will challenge you and help you define a career path. Having a resource and sounding board in your corner can be valuable in resolving ethical dilemmas or in taking calculated risks. The right person will see your strengths and help you to use them to your best advantage, while helping you see and mitigate the impact of weaknesses. A strong mentor can actually help you see career opportunities you might not otherwise consider, and inspire you to reach higher than you might be comfortable doing by yourself. 
A reputable recruiter can also be a mentor in helping you stay connected with the actuarial marketplace and defining, finding and pursuing your next position.