Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Not seeing results from your job search? 

Albert Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” If you are getting the same feedback from every interview and not getting an offer, you need to take a hard look at your interviewing skills. Assuming that you dress appropriately, arrive on time, leave your cell phone off, have researched the company, or haven’t talked too much or too little, perhaps you’ve overlooked these other influencers:

  • Are you overqualified? Or under qualified? Hiring companies can view both ends of the spectrum to be a red flag. 
  • Is your availability limited? Perhaps overtime or some travel is required, which doesn’t fit your ability to commit. 
  • During the interview, do you display interest in the actual work, rather than just the paycheck and benefits?
  • Do you have good answers to the interviewer’s questions? Do you have some questions of your own? Nothing shows interest like asking intelligent questions. If you don’t know any, practice with your recruiter. 
  • Did you get the feeling that you would fit well into the company? It isn’t always about skills, it can be about fitting into the culture. 

Preparation is key, as is follow up. Nothing says you appreciate their time like a handwritten note. 

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